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DAP Perak Activities

Monday, March 22, 2010

Media Statement by Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham


Dato’ Ganesan’s action in inviting the police to take action against YB V.Sivakumar , The Legitimate Speaker of the Perak State Assembly, clearly shows his willingness to destroy the democratic institution in Malaysia. He is not part of the Perak State Assembly and neither is he the Legitimate Speaker. Therefore, he has no qualms about destroying the institutions of the Speaker and the State Assembly.

King Solomon was once asked to decide who is the mother of  a child. Two women both claimed to be the mother of the child. King Solomon in his wisdom (then he did not have the benefit of DNA tests) decided that in order to be fair to both the child be cut into two and each woman be given one half. One agreed but the other woman immediately requested the King to spare the child’s life and have the child given to the first woman. The wise King immediately knew who the child’s mother was. A mother will never want to see harm befall his child.

The police report lodged by Dato’ Ganesan on 19/3/2010 inviting the police to take action against YB V. Sivakumar, the Legitimate Speaker of the Perak Assembly, is clearly an action calculated to destroy the democratic institution of the Perak Sate Assembly. Dato’ Ganesan had on 7/5/2009 invited the police force to invade the Perak State Assembly and forcibly removed YB V. Sivakumar from the State Assembly. The harm that was done to this democratic institution of Perak was beyond repair.

Like the woman who is not the mother of the child, Dato’ Ganesan has no qualms about destroying this democratic institution of Perak. He was a reject. The people rejected him during the last General Elections. He is not part of the State Assembly and neither is he the Legitimate Speaker of the Perak State Assembly. His ascension to the Speaker’s seat on 7/5/2009 was done by using the police to forcibly removed YB V. Sivakumar.

In a democratic system, the separation of powers between the judiciary, the legislature the executive have been clearly defined. All matters pertaining to the State Assembly must be dealt with by the Assembly itself. The independence and the sanctity of the legislature must never the sacrified or compromised. What Dato’ Ganesan is doing in to encourage a Police State where might is right.

YB V. Sivakumar has in all his conduct tried to maintain and uphold the independence and the sanctity of the State Assembly. He was never cowed by the threat or force used by BN and the police against him.

All Malaysians must condemn Dato’ Ganesan for his treacherous act against our democratic institutions.

Dated this 22/3/2010

Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham
DAP Perak Chairman
State Assemblyman for Sitiawan

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