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DAP Perak Activities

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

SMS from YB Nga Kor Ming to YB Keshvinder

Dear Kesh, your defection had made all of us very sad today. DAP is our family and u were part of it before.we went through a lot of happiness and of course as much of hardship & even sorrow but most important we never give up. We take pride & Glory in whatever we do because we believe our struggle is to pursue justice and equality for a better Malaysia. DAP is for the people and never for personal gain. Money is not everything but integrity & principle is everlasting.For the sake of Sikh community & your family name, pls return to DAP and this is fr the bottom of my heart.-Best rgds,Nga Kor Ming.

1 comment:

  1. based on the newspaper report on his financial problem, I think he is not a fit person to be a state assemblyman. He is a person who does not know how to take care of his finances and do you think he can take care of finances of his consituency. forget about him.
