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DAP Perak Activities

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Indira Gandhi on going court saga, M.Kulasegaran

Media Statement by M.Kula Segaran MP Ipoh Barat at the  Ipoh High Court on 30th March 2011 

Attorney General and the Government should explain why the delay in presenting the necessary amendments to Parliament in conversion cases.

Indira  Ghandhi married her husband  Patmanathan in 1993 according to Hindu rites. They have 3 children.

The eldest child is now 14 years old the second, a boy, is 13 years old and the youngest is 2+ years old Indria and her husband started to have marital problems for sometime.

As a result on 11th March 2009, he converted to Islam and adopted his new name as Muhammad Riduan Bin Abdullah

On 2nd April 2009; three children of the family were also converted into Islam by their father Patmanathan at the Bahagian Dakwah, Jabatan Agama Islam, Ipoh, Perak.

The conversion was without the knowledge and or consent of the children's mother.

There after the family got separated and the husband took the youngest t child of the family and went missing. He is still hiding at an undisclosed location.

In the mean time Muhammad Riduan Bin Abdullah filed an application at the Syariah High Court in Ipoh and obtained an interim order of custody of the 3 children. Indira had no knowledge of this case.

Subsequently she filed an application and after numerous hearings, the Ipoh Civil High Court gave order of custody on May 2010. The case is pending appeal to the Court of Appeal by the husband.

 He has not adhered to the Court's order in that the youngest child has not been handed over to Indira.

The husband has no permanent employment and has been willfully avoiding in handing over of the youngest child to the mother. The two elder children are schooling and living with the mother who works as a kindergarten teacher.

On 9th June 2009, Indira filed a motion at the High Court to quash the decision of the Syariah Court dated 8th April 2009 which Court had given custody and control of the 3 children to Muhammad Riduan Bin Abdullah. The case has been filed against 6 Defendants namely


(known as Muhammad Riduan bin Abdullah) On 28th July2010, the Ipoh Civil High Court gave leave to quash the decision of the Syariah Court to Indira notwithstanding to the strenuous objections from the Attorney General's office.

To day the High Court is to hear the application to quash the Syariah Court's decision.

The panel of Lawyers ( Mr. K.Shanmuga, En.FahriAzzat, N.Selvam, and M.Kula ) of Indira feels that Indira's case is very much similar to the famous case of Shamala Vs Dr Jayaganesh.

As serious, fundamental and public importance issues are involved the case ought to be transferred and heard in the Federal Court.

In April 2009, it was reported that the Cabinet has decided that children of parents where one of them opts to convert must be raised in the common religion at the time of marriage.

The news report dated 24 thApril, 2009 says: -

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Nazri said it was decided in the Cabinet meeting on Wednesday that a spouse who has converted into Islam would also have to fulfil his or her marriage responsibilities according to civil marriage laws. "Religion should not be used as a tool to escape marriage responsibilities. Conversion is not a ground for the automatic dissolution of a marriage," he said at a press conference at Parliament building Thursday.

"The children should be brought up in the common religion. For the spouse who intends to convert into Islam, he or she would also have to come clean," he said.

Nazri said religious conversion must come with the innocent party being protected from being victimised, as well as protection being affored to the new religion of the converted person.

"Civil marriages have to be resolved according to civil laws. The conversion takes effect on the day of conversion and is not retrospective. "The convert would have to fulfil his or her marriage responsibilities according to civil laws prior to the conversion," he added.

Nazri also said the Cabinet has instructed the Attorney-General to look at all relevant laws which needed to be amended in line with what has been decided on civil marriage laws and others.

The Attorney General and the Government should explain why there has been such long delay in doing what is necessary?


Ipoh Barat MP

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

M.Kulasegaran, Just withdraw to avoid further crisis

March 22, 2011 - Media Statement by M Kula Segaran, DAP National Vice Chairman and MP for Ipoh Barat in Ipoh on Monday, 

The Interlok controversy has dragged on long enough. It is time that Palanivel should tell Tan Sri Muhyiddin what the Indian community is saying, that is, "enough is enough".

According to today's report in The Star, the three Indian members who quit the Interlok book review panel are staying firm in their decision and are not interested in being coaxed back into the committee.

In a joint statement yesterday, the three– Dr N. S. Rajendran, G. Krishnabahawan and Uthaya Sankar SB said: "We were forced to withdraw because several members of the panel had betrayed us." "They were insistent on amending only the pariah word and rejecting other changes that had been agreed to at the March 4 meeting."

The three said they were firm on the decision to withdraw. I commend the three for staying firm with their decision to withdraw from the review panel as that was the only and right decision they could take after having been betrayed.

I had said last month that I had no confidence that a satisfactory solution could be produced by the panel. Time has proven that I was right.

Instead of playing the role of persuading the three panelists to rejoin the panel, MIC president Datuk G Palanivel should declare support for their decision to withdraw from the panel.

In fact, Palanivel should have the courage to do what is right—to tell the Education Minister that the only practical and acceptable solution is to withdraw the Interlok novel as a school text book.

The Interlok controversy has dragged on long enough. It is time that Palanivel should tell Tan Sri Muhyiddin what the Indian community is saying, that is, "enough is enough".

If Palanivel is not willing or is not bold enough to send the message, then come next general election, the Indian voters will and must tell the BN government that " enough is enough" through their votes.


Ipoh Barat MP

M.Kulasegaran, Malaysia joined Rome Statute of ICC

21st March 2011 - Media statement by M.Kula Segaran MP Ipoh Barat and DAP National Vice Chairman at Parliament House Kuala Lumpur

Bipartisan group of Parliamentarians for Global action welcomes Government of Malaysia's decision to accede to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The Government of Malaysia has reached the historic, unanimous decision to accede to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), the first permanent institution mandated to put an end to impunity for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crime.

The decision follows the Asia-Pacific Consultation on the Universality of the Rome Statute of the ICC held on 9-10 March 2011 in the Parliament of Malaysia and organized by the Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), a global network of over 1,300 Legislators in more than 126 countries worldwide, and with 35 Members in the Malaysian Parliament alone.

The Consultation was opened by the President of the ICC, Judge Sang-Hyun Song, who also met with the Prime Minister the Hon. Dato' Sri Mohd Najib and the Minister for Law and Parliamentary Affairs in the Prime Minister's office, YB Datuk Seri Nazri. Minister YB Nazri announced at this Regional event that a Cabinet-decision concerning accession to the ICC Statute would be shortly forthcoming.

A Memorandum of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs was subsequently written for Cabinet endorsing this step and the Cabinet gave its approval at the end of last week.

Malaysia's decision to join the 114 countries that have already become party to the Rome Statute of the ICC to date reflects its strong commitment to the Rule of Law and accountability worldwide and its rejection of impunity for any crimes, in particular those of most concern to the international community, namely war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, as set out in the Rome Statute itself. Prior to this important step, Malaysia has always been committed to the principles enshrined in, and the integrity of the Rome Statute of the ICC.

While accession to the treaty is taken place through a decision-making process within the Executive, in accordance with the Malaysian Constitution, there is a need to progress with the importance of a law-making in Parliament on implementing legislation: "Parliamentarians are ready to start to work on legislation to implement the obligations contained in the Rome Statute, including procedures to fully cooperate with the Court and norms to incorporate international crimes and general principles of international criminal law into the domestic legal order".

Minister YB Nazri, concurred with the views expressed by us and reaffirmed the complementarity character of the ICC jurisdiction: "The ICC is a Court of last resort. It only intervenes when national prosecutions would be unavailable or ineffective.

Malaysia will therefore promptly adapt its laws to ensure full compliance with the complementarity principle that governs the relationship between the ICC and National Courts"Malaysia shall now call upon all countries that have not already taken this step, in particular our neighbouring countries in the Asian region who have not yet done so, to give serious consideration to becoming a State Party to the Rome Statute without delay.


Ipoh Barat, MP

Background Hon. Kula-Segaran, MP, Joined PGA in November 2004 when he attended the 3rd Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC & the Rule of Law organised by PGA in the Parliament of New Zealand in Wellington.

In August 2006, he actively participated in the first Asian Parliamentary Consultation on the Universality of the Rome Statute held in Manila, at Congress of The Philippines.

In December 2006, Mr. Kula-Segaran, MP joined the 4th Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC & the Rule of Law, organised by PGA in the Parliament of Japan, in Tokyo, an event which was instrumental to the bipartisan votes of the Japanese Diet Lower House and Upper House (on 27 February and 27 April 2007 respectively) that allowed the accession of Japan to the Rome Statute.

In April 2010, Kula-Segaran, MP tabled a set of parliamentary questions to the Government of Malaysia concerning the first Review Conference to the Rome Statute of the ICC, which was held in Kampala, Uganda, on 31 May-11 June 2010.

Minister YB Datuk Seri Nazri responded to the questions and accepted the invitation of PGA to attend the pre-Review Conference event hosted by the Parliament of Uganda in Kampala on 27-28 May 2011, namely the 6th Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC & the Rule of Law.

Minister YB Datuk Seri Nazri delivered a forceful closing statement at the Consultative Assembly, announcing that Malaysia would have started the process of accession to the Rome Statute.Over the past 9 months, PGA has worked with its Members from Government and opposition in the Parliament of Malaysia to support the visit of the President of the ICC in the II week of March 2011 and to organise a regional event aimed at maximising the impact of this very important decision of Malaysia to join the new system of international criminal justice.

More details will be soon available at

Sunday, March 20, 2011

M.Kulasegaran's speech in Seremban

Speech by M Kula Segaran, DAP National Vice Chairman and MP for Ipoh Barat at the DAP Diner in Seremban on Friday, March 18, 2011

Come next general election, Malaysians should rise up to the occasion and votefor change to bring about a better Malaysia for all.

Forty-five years is a long time in the life of a man, but in the life of political parties, the period isn’t long. The genesis, evolution and maturation of a political organization would easily take that long or even longer.

What matters is whether the party has the ideals that can withstand the test of time and having those ideals it has the leaders who can propound them with not only eloquence but with the sacrifice of their sweat, tears and, sometimes, even with their blood.

The DAP has been fortunate in that it has had those ideals that were sustained by a set of indomitable leaders. No matter what their adversaries have said about them, the founding pair of Dr Chen Man Hin and Lim Kit Siang which was bolstered in later years by the redoubtable Karpal Singh, have seen the DAP through years of tribulation to its current triumph as the party with the largest representation in Parliament.

Though this is a huge achievement, this is no time for a vicarious triumphalism. The road ahead is long and arduous but the sense of a threshold being passed and the anticipation of great possibilities is balm for tired minds and hearts.

More than ever, the farsightedness of the DAP’s unwavering support for mother tongue education appears like the idea of democracy itself, an idea whose universality and wholesomeness are now unquestioned from Damascus to Denpasar.

Sdr Dr Chen still attends party meetings to offer his valuable advice while Sdr Kit Siang still travels all over the country to spread our political message.

Yes, DAP’s political mission is not yet complete. Come next general election, together with our Pakatan Rakyat partners, we want to capture more state power including the Negeri Sembilan state power as well as the Federal power.

I have often heard public say, BN tak boleh pakai lagi. MCA dan Gerakan pun tak boleh harap lagi.

So our massage to the people is “Tukar!” Go for change and suffer no more the arrogant and incorrigible BN governments.

The Prime Minister Dato Sri Najib recently said BN has changed after the 2008 electoral debacle.

Is this true? Just take a look at two issues. Firstly, the treatment of national type schools.

Despite the unprecedented electoral debacle it has suffered in the 2008 general election, the BN government has not reversed its unfair policies towards the national type schools.

The amount of allocation spent on the national type schools is pittance when compared to national schools. Under the 9th Malaysia plan the following sums were spent by the Ministry of Education namely

1) For National schools- RM33.30 per student per month
2) For Tamil schools --RM10.55 per student per month
3) For Chinese school -- RM4.50: per student per month.

The above figures speak volumes. Is this in line with 1 Malaysia concept? '
This is one of the many examples that proves that 1 Malaysia is just an empty political slogan.

Secondly, on the Interlok controversy. I have asked the Education Minister to ask himself five key questions on the novel, namely,

1. Is it not true that the book contains inaccuracies and demeaning words which have hurt the Indian community’s feelings?

2. Can such a controversial book be used as a school text book?

3. Can the book truly promote better racial understanding and forge unity?

4. Is it not justified for the Indian community to demand the withdrawal of the book as a textbook for SPM students?

5. Has not the controversy been allowed to drag on long enough?

Anyone can give the right answers. I believe Muhyiddin also can give the right answers. But yet he cannot come out with the right solution—that is, to withdraw the book as a text book.

There are many examples I can cite to show that BN is no longer fit to govern this country.

Suffice to say that come next general election, Malaysians should rise up to the occasion and vote for change to bring about a better Malaysia for all.


Ipoh Barat MP

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Royal Address by M.Kulasegaran

Speech by M. Kula Segaran MP Ipoh Barat and DAP National Vice Chairman will debating on the Royal Address on 15thMarch2011

No one can deny that the poor and helpless need to be helped. The poverty affecting Malaysians does not look at race and it is across the board in our country.

1. Recently the MIC President Senator Palanivel has come out with a unique way of overcoming the poverty affecting the Indian community in the urban areas.

The majority of Indians who left the estates some thirty years ago are in the fringes of urban areas and are generally earning a meager income. Planivel has suggested that, as a temporary measure, these people to return back to estates to increase their earning power.

Palanivel further said that estate workers can now earn some RM1500 a month. Workers in estates have generally been provided with housing water and electricity.

Palanivel needs to be reminded that for a family to be uprooted temporarily so as to earn a better income in the estates is illogical and a step back ward to the progress of the community. I suggest that the Government forms a Parliamentary Select Committee to ascertain the causes of urban Indian poor and make recommendations to solve the problem as a long term solution.

2. Interlok novel controversyThe government has introduced the Interlok novel as a literature text book for usage at the form 5 level. The novel has many facts which are misleading and distorted. The novel is demeaning and it has hurt the Indian community.

Many NGO's and related parties have taken objection to the book being used as a text book. With so much of objections, the novel should be withdrawn as a text book.

3. Protect our WildlifeThe authorities must buck up and be more serious in protecting our wildlife. Recently it was widely reported in the major local newspapers that our soldiers had caught a pied hornbill (Buceros bicornis) and eaten it. The photo of the slaughtered bird was put up in face book and only then the world came to know about this cruel act. The most well known poaching area in Malaysia is around the Thai/Malaysia border in particular the Belum forest.

The act of these soldiers can be summed up in the old Malay proverb "harap pagar, pagar makan padi". (Translation Trust the fence the fence start eating up the rice!) Hornbill is an important partner which spreads out the seeds it consumes, thus a necessity in our natural eco-cycle.

Hornbill, Sumatran rhinoceros, orang-utans, Malayan tigers and clouded leopards, are fighting a losing battle for their existence.

When the Wildlife Act was passed, a lot of hope was expressed in that it will protect wild life and address the poaching issue. Some how it looks like much still needs to be done by the authorities to overcome poaching which is wide spread.

Authorities say an illegal animal sale is second only to narcotics among all illegal trades, with wildlife smuggling being worth between 10 billion US dollars and 20 billion US dollars a year. So there is a lot of money to be made and we need much effort to overcome the issue of poaching.

4. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)The Rome statute came into being on 17.7.1998. The ICC started functioning from the 1.7.2002. The court's primary jurisdiction is to prosecute individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression. Over 114 countries have become members of the ICC.

The Attorney General at the Regional Consultation meet which took place in Parliament on the 9th and 10 th March had a list of baseless and unfounded reasons to object in Malaysia subscribing to the Rome statute of ICC. Malaysia reluctance is totally unacceptable. The earlier we become a member, the better it will be for our image as a country which adheres to the rule of law worldwide



Speech by M Kula Segaran : A fairer allocation policy needed for all Malaysian students

Speech by M Kula Segaran, DAP National Vice Chairman and MP for Ipoh Barat at Karak, Pahang on Wednesday, March 16, 2011.

The government has to be fair and just to all schools and students so as to be able to make Malaysia a truly competitive nation, one which is able to compete against the world.

During his recent trip to Australia, Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib said the Government would continue to provide scholarships for deserving students to go abroad. This, he said, was an investment and not expenditure.

"People are the best form of investment and if we continue to invest in the people, we will become a nation which is more competitive, especially in helping to realise our ambitious goals," he was reported to have said. No one can disagree with what Najib has said.

Human capital development is essential in propelling a nation's development and progress and investment in education must be an essential part of the government's human capital development policy.

However, Najib needs to be reminded that the government has to be fair and just to all schools and students so as to be able to make Malaysia a truly competitive nation, one which is able to compete against the world.

The Government must therefore adopt a global view that Malaysians must be competitive against the world, and not against the fellow Malaysians of other races.

As such, in terms of allocation, the government must be fair in its treatment to all schools, irrespective of whether they are national, national type, technical or religious schools.

However, it is a sad fact that till today and despite the unprecedented electoral debacle it has suffered in the 2008 general election, the BN government has not reversed its unfair policies towards the National type schools.

The amount of allocation spent on the national type schools is pittance when compared to national schools. Be fair to all students and policies must be color blind.

Under the 9th Malaysia plan the following sums were spent by the Ministry of Education namely

1) For Malay students RM33.30
2) For Tamil students RM10.55 and

3) For Chinese students RM4.50:per student per month.

The above figure speaks volumes and is totally against all norms and is very discriminatory. Is this in line with 1 Malaysia concept. Will the amount to be expended to all our children be fair and equal in the 10th Malaysia Plan? Is this too much to ask as a loyal citizen?

Year in year out, there are complaints aired through the media about the unfairness in the granting of government scholarships and intakes by Matriculation colleges and local public universities.

Such unfair policy and treatment must cease as Malaysia can only become truly competitive and compete against the world if the government provides opportunities to all, regardless of race.

As Mandarin is becoming a commercial and widely used language worldwide, it should be taught to students who are keen in the language in both National and Tamils schools.

Presently, if one teaches Bahasa Malaysia and is unable to speak Tamil, one can be posted to Tamil school.

This should cease.

Only Chinese speaking and Tamil speaking teachers should be sent to Chinese and Tamil schools.



Ipoh Barat MP.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

M.Kulasegaran's Press statement : Dire Indian poverty demands urgent solution


Media statement by Ipoh Barat Member of Parliament & DAP National Vice Chairman, M.Kulasegaran on Dire Indian poverty demands urgent solution

With the fragmentation of estates in the late 1960s and coupled with the decline in rubber commodity prices from the 1970s, estate labourers of Indian origin began to migrate to the towns and urban areas of Peninsular Malaysia in search of their livelihood.

Thus began a pattern of their lives that saw them exchange the discreet poverty of their estate existence for the grinding poverty of their urban lives.

Their lack of education and the higher cost of living in urban areas meant that these rural-to-urban migrants were hard put to eke out a living. They began to languish in hopelessness, their poverty turning endemic because their children's low educational attainment, in part due to gloomy home conditions, meant their further immersion in the poverty trap.

Within two decades of this migratory drift from estate sufficiency to urban depression, Indian Malaysians began to top the indices of social pathology. The unemployment rate, school dropout rate, crime rate, and high incidence of single parents, all testified to social malaise among Indian Malaysians.

Now MIC new President Planivel has suggested the urban poor Indians who are earning a meager income to move back to the estates to earn a better and higher income as a temporary solution.

Palanvel is out of touch of the real problem of the Indians. A temporary solution cannot work. What is needed is a long term solution to the hard core problem of the Indian poor.

It is suggested that a Parliamentary select committee consisting of the government, opposition and eminent personalities to be established to ascertain the real cause of the hard core poverty among the Indians.

The select Committee can then make due recommendations for a permanent and long term solution for those Indians who are suffering in the urban poor net. Thus a safety net of a sort is needed like a "tongkat" for the community to progress from the slumber.

The Committee can and should visit and ascertain the real issues affecting the Indians in all areas where the Indians are residing.

I will raise this issue next week during my turn to speak during the Royal address in Parliament.

Will MIC,Gerakan, MCA and PPP support me? Or as usual they will pretent not to hear me for fear of UMNO their big brother?

The Parliamentary select committee could also encompass to look into:

1) poverty affecting Malaysians as a whole;

2) Gangstersim and High criminal activities among the poor;

3) Why many thousands do not possess birth certificates and identity cards;

4) Why many urban Indians are said to earn only RM500 per month;

5) The present per capita income is RM26, 000 per head per month which makes out to over RM2000 a month. Why in reality average Malaysians are earning less then this? Can the target per capita income of RM50,000 be reached by 2020 as vision by the Government;

6) Why in 1970 the civil service had 17% Indians now down to 4% and Chinese from 30% to presently 5%?

7) Why academically well qualified Malaysians students are denied scholarships and financial help from the Government:

8) Why the present workforce is relatively unskilled with 80% educated to Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia or it equivalent

9) Why is there a growing population of single mothers;

10)Social matters like alcoholics and drugs, unemployment, the over dependence on foreign workers and the need for a minimum wage.

There are definitely many other pressing matters which need urgent and concrete action. The select committee can delve in it if the necessity arises.

Finally urge the report to be made public and to follow up with concrete action.


Ipoh Barat MP

Saturday, March 5, 2011

M.Kulasegaran : Datuk Kong Cho Ha and or Chor Chee Hong must provide immediate and satisfactory answers to the deceased’s families

Photo note : Ipoh Barat MP M.Kulasegaran with family of deceased ; Father Mohd Norzila sitting next right to M.Kula, mother Fawziah Binti Salleh (standing end of left), brother Mohd Fahdli Bin Mohd Norzila (standing 2nd right) and uncle Mohd Jamil Bin Mahyuddin (standing end of right).

Press Conference Statement by M Kula Segaran, DAP National Vice Chairman and MP for Ipoh Barat in Ipoh on Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fair Park incident: Datuk Kong Cho Ha and or Chor Chee Hong must provide immediate and satisfactory answers to the deceased's families

On October 2, 2009, the building in Jalan Kamaruddin in Fair Park which was being demolished to make way for new shop houses collapsed on a Perodua Viva, killing two passengers in the car.

The deceased were Zairi Mohd Sabri, and Firdaus Mohd Norzila, who were then aged 25 and 23 respectively.

The driver, Abdil Kudus Ismail, was discharged after receiving outpatient treatment at the Hospital.

When Ex-Housing and Local Governmnet Minister Datuk Kong Cho Ha visited the site the following day, he announced that a temporary work order was issued.

Below is an extract of additional comments which he said and were reported in the media on October 4, 2009.

The former Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha said the Ipoh City Council had also been instructed to prepare a preliminary report on the matter to be submitted to the ministry by tomorrow.

"We want to find out whether precautionary measures were taken during the demolition work," he told reporters here yesterday after visiting the site.

He added that the Public Works Department, police, Fire and Rescue Department and the Occupational Safety and Health Department (DOSH) would also be asked to prepare reports.

The statements of eyewitnesses and workers at the site would also be taken to assist in investigations.

"Action will be taken if the consultant was found to be negligent in using the wrong method to demolish the buildings," he said.

In 8thDecember, 2009, I had also this issue in Parliament.

I had questioned Datuk Kong Cho Ha on what lessons had his Ministry learned from the collapse of the CS Supermarket incident which happened 6 months before the Fair Park incident.

I said that after the Supermarket incident, a report was presented to the Cabinet with the necessary re commendations.

The important question which the Minister must answer was what actions were taken by his Ministry and the local governments in the country to prevent similar occurrence?

I am sure that if the necessary recommendations had been implemented, the Fair Park incident would not have happened.

What is most unacceptable is that although the Fair Park incident has happened for more than a year, yet no party has been declared as the negligent party/parties to be held responsible and hence, no action has been taken against anyone or party.

Let me remind the Government that the Fair Park incident is no small matter as two lives were lost.

The deceased's families have a right to know who must be held responsible for the deaths and why till today there has been no action taken against the culprits.

There can be no justification whatsoever for such long delay and there cannot be any further delay even for one day.

Datuk Kong Cho Ho and or its new Minister Chor Chee Hong must provide immediate and satisfactory answers to the families.
MBI( local council)

The Ipoh local council (MBI) is the supervising authority in the Ipoh area. MBI must give the necessary approval before demolition work can commence. Thus MBI has more then a moral duty to state publically what went wrong that resulted in the two innocent persons to be killed.

We urge the Mayor and its councillors to tender public apology on the incident. Further the Council should press charges on those who were negligent/dereliction in carrying out its public duty.



Ipoh Barat MP



Press Secretary to Ipoh Barat MP


Friday, March 4, 2011

M.Kulasegaran : SOSCO must get back to its core business as a safety net for the needy

Media statement by M.Kula Segaran, DAP National Vice Chairman and MP for Ipoh Barat in Ipoh on Friday, March 04, 2011.

SOSCO must get back to its core business as a safety net for the needy

Selvenesan s/o Singaravellu. 38 years old, is married with 3 young children. The eldest child is 9 years old, the second child is 8years old and the third child is 3 years old.

The first child is schooling but the other two children are handicapped who cannot walk and talk.

Selvanesan is the sole bread winner of the family.

On the 8th of June 2010, he met a nasty accident while riding his motorcycle to work. The person who knocked into him ran away, thus Sevarasan got no compensation.

The injuries were so severe that he was unconscious and hospitalized for over 2 weeks. Due to the shock and the injuries sustained, he has lost total use of his voice box.

He had immediately lodged a claim with SOSCO. However, for months SOSCO had not responded and even visits to the office did not bear any fruit.

3 weeks ago, Selvanesan and his family met us to get our help to speak to SOSCO. We immediately contacted SOSCO.

SOSCO has acknowledged Selvanesan's claims and has now started paying him his monthly claims.

SOSCO was set up to assist those injured in work related matters. It was formed to help the lower income group.

But over time, SOSCO has been delaying legitimate claims lodged with the organization. In many ways SOSCO is acting like a business concern trying to save monies.

SOSCO must be reasonable and be reminded its core charter is to be a safety net for the lower income group. It must be focused and achieve excellence in it!


