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DAP Perak Activities

Friday, March 4, 2011

M.Kulasegaran : SOSCO must get back to its core business as a safety net for the needy

Media statement by M.Kula Segaran, DAP National Vice Chairman and MP for Ipoh Barat in Ipoh on Friday, March 04, 2011.

SOSCO must get back to its core business as a safety net for the needy

Selvenesan s/o Singaravellu. 38 years old, is married with 3 young children. The eldest child is 9 years old, the second child is 8years old and the third child is 3 years old.

The first child is schooling but the other two children are handicapped who cannot walk and talk.

Selvanesan is the sole bread winner of the family.

On the 8th of June 2010, he met a nasty accident while riding his motorcycle to work. The person who knocked into him ran away, thus Sevarasan got no compensation.

The injuries were so severe that he was unconscious and hospitalized for over 2 weeks. Due to the shock and the injuries sustained, he has lost total use of his voice box.

He had immediately lodged a claim with SOSCO. However, for months SOSCO had not responded and even visits to the office did not bear any fruit.

3 weeks ago, Selvanesan and his family met us to get our help to speak to SOSCO. We immediately contacted SOSCO.

SOSCO has acknowledged Selvanesan's claims and has now started paying him his monthly claims.

SOSCO was set up to assist those injured in work related matters. It was formed to help the lower income group.

But over time, SOSCO has been delaying legitimate claims lodged with the organization. In many ways SOSCO is acting like a business concern trying to save monies.

SOSCO must be reasonable and be reminded its core charter is to be a safety net for the lower income group. It must be focused and achieve excellence in it!




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